Nightwing Rebirth T3 - Nightwing Rebirth

Javier Fernandez Barranco

Nightwing Rebirth - T3
Nightwing Rebirth
144 pages
Popularité du livre : faible
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Dick Grayson is Nightwing--protector of Blüdhaven, member of the Titans, superhero and all-around good guy. But Dick has been so much more in the past. He was the original Robin. He wore the cowl of Batman. He was even a super-spy for the mysterious organization Spyral. And now, when all he wants to do is establish his new life in Blüdhaven. Join Nightwing on his journey to discovering his new identify and giving Blüdhaven a reason to remember his name.

This deluxe edition includes the storyline "Raptor's Revenge." Nightwing rejected Raptor's offer to be his new protégé. And since he escaped prison months ago, Raptor has been making his plans to show Nightwing that if he didn't want Raptor as a mentor...he will get him as the worst enemy he's ever had! Now Raptor is back in Blüdhavenn with secrets and a plan that will tear the city apart--and could put Nightwing out of commission forever!

And just when Nightwing finally feels like he's got his life in Blüdhaven under control--a murderer from his Gotham City days has arrived in his new city! How many people will die before he's stopped this time? Or worse than that...what if Dick can't stop him? Find all this and more in Nightwing: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 3.

Writer Tim Seeley (Green Lanterns) and artists Javier Fernandez (Red Hood/Arsenal), Chris Sotomayor (Detective Comics) and others continue Dick's adventures in Nightwing: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 3! Collects the fifth and sixth softcover trades into hardcover for the first time ever, including issues #29-43!

Livres de la série : Nightwing Rebirth