Mon livre surprise

The Bane Chronicles - Intégrale

Maureen Johnson - Cassandra Clare - Sarah Rees Brennan

The Bane Chronicles - Intégrale
528 pages
Popularité du livre : faible
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It is not easy being Magnus Bane. As a warlock, he's often called upon to fix problems of other. His life has been long, and his loves have been many. And Magnus has a way of making sure he's in the right place at the right - or perhaps wrong - time. The French Revolution, Prohibition, the first great battle between Valentine and the New York Institute... Mas was here, and usually in the middle of it. Magnus will never be able to tell all of his tales. No one would believe him. But these eleven stories shed a little light on his often inscrutable character.

They are probably wishes had never got out.

Livres de l'auteur : Cassandra Clare - Sarah Rees Brennan - Maureen Johnson