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An Utterly Impartial History of Britain

John Ofarrell

An Utterly Impartial History of Britain
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When a historian says 'Waterloo' do you automatically think of ABBA?

Do you wonder how Neville Chamberlain failed to realise that Hitler was a baddie when the Führer was so clearly wearing a Nazi armband?

And why did the Normans fight the Saxons at a place called Battle? Did they see the road signs and just think that's where they were supposed to go?

From 55 BC to 1945, An Utterly Impartial History of Britain informs, explains, but most of all laugh at the seemingly impossible rollercoaster of events that make up the story of Great Britain. Packed with great characters trapped in impossible dilemnas, this true-life drama will have you on the edge of your seats thinking 'I wonder which of them dies at the end?' (Well, they all do, obviously. It was ages ago.)

As entertaining as a witch burning and a lot of more laughs.

'Mum, Dad, the Second Crusade is starting! Can we put a St George's flag on the cart?'

'No dear, we don't want everyone to think Daddy is a builder

Livres de l'auteur : John Ofarrell